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Contact us

Any questions? Just ask

We have collected a number of the most frequently asked questions here. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact our customer service.

You are always welcome to get in touch with us!

Monday - Friday:

Chat from 10AM to 10PM

Phone from 9AM to 5PM



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Sales department

If you have any questions regarding our products or if you wish to purchase something, please contact our sales department:

New and existing B2B customers can contact us at:

Monday - Friday:
Chat from 10AM to 10PM

If you have questions regarding status of your order, invoice, stock availability, reclamation or other matters that do not concern sale, please contact our customer care department by using following information:


Customer care: +441704335578

Monday - Friday:
Chat from 10AM to 10PM

Company information

Company's legal name: MeinTrendyHandy GmbH
Company URL:

Our registered office:
Karlebovej 59
3400 Hillerød

Want to review our products?

Are you interested in reviewing our products on your website, blog or social network profile? Please let us know by filling out this form. Our marketing team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the possibilities for mutual cooperation.